Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Congratulations to Mark Sinatro

A huge congratulations goes to Mark Sinatro for winning a seat on the Town Council. The hard work Mark put in paid off and finally the town council will have a voice of reason. To the Democrats and incumbents (wow, I spelled it right) I also say congratulations...It's really easy to win when you have the Courant in your back pocket. Not once did the Democrats discuss the real issues in town and the Courant backed their play by painting the republicans as anti-blue back. All I can say to that is see you in two years when all of the opponents views on what will happen with the project will come true. One note of housekeeping. I've started moderating the comments, which means either I approve them or reject them. I don't mind people opposing my side of the argument, but I'm not going to allow personal attacks, Publicous (oh, did I spell that wrong?) Good luck Mark, a lot of people will be supporting you over the next two years.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Sinatros Call on Democrats to End Negative Campaigning

I received this from the Sinatros this morning and wholeheartedly agree. Not once has the republican side of the aisle sought to discredit the names of the democratic candidates. We do believe the republican candidates bring a lot more to that table than the incumbents, but have kept the campaign positive so far. Please read this note from Steve & Mark.
Stephen and Mark Sinatro Tell Democrat Leadership: “Enough is Enough” The party who calls itself the party of consensus and team building should be ashamed. The mudslinging perpetrated by the Democrats should cause us all to wonder who we call our leaders. There is no place for inaccurate reporting and innuendos. We are disappointed that the Democrats would choose to leave inflammatory and false literature at our neighbor’ s doorsteps. The information in their flyer is filled with falsehoods and completely inaccurate statements. It demonstrates a lack of leadership and integrity and is counter productive to the positive campaign we have been running. We demand that our opponents put an end to the negative attacks! These are the Facts:
  • Steve and Mark Sinatro have the professional expertise and personal integrity to implement Blue Back Square. Can you trust a Mayor who appears in Advertisements paid for by the Developers?
  • Steve Sinatro and his law firm have not cost the town a penny in litigation.

Tell the Democratic Leadership to tell the truth

  • Steve and Mark Sinatro have served West Hartford, its children and its seniors for many years. On Election Day help them continue their tradition of service.

Steve Sinatro

  • President, West Hartford Youth Football League
  • Youth Sports Coach
  • Recipient of the Ct Sec. of State, Public Service Award

Mark Sinatro

  • Member UCONN Div. of Athletics
  • Bd of Dir. WH Exchange Club
  • St. Peter Claver, Religious Ed Instructor

Paid for by Stephen Sinatro for Town Council, Tom Filomeno, Treasurer and Mark Sinatro for Town Council, John McCormick, Treasurer

Friday, November 04, 2005

Incumbents Absent from Taxpayer's Association Panel

In another stunning display of arrogance, the current running council members decided that taxes aren't important in West Hartford, so they decided not to show up to the West Hartford Taxpayer's Association forum last night. Those who were at the event included Mark Sinatro, Steve Sinatro, Tom Knox, Mike Zullo, Joe Visconti, Sylvia Schindelman and Lib Brassil-Spinella. Absent were the members of the council who at the last budget process struggled to keep the tax increase down to 4.63%. The members of the panel spoke of creative revenue streams, increasing our tax base with low impact/high tax businesses and trimming the fat in the administration among other topics. It was unfortunate that we couldn't hear from the incumbents on how they propose to keep taxes down...One could infer that they intend to do nothing of the kind. Once again, I call on the Hartford Courant to report the news. The fact that the democrats have avoided 2 consecutive WH Taxpayer's Association meetings is news. Have a great day...

Thursday, November 03, 2005

A Note from Republican Candidate Tom Knox

October 31, 2005 I would like to thank the editors of this paper for meeting with me and my running mates. Although I knew that I would not be endorsed, I could never have foreseen their reasoning. To use prior service on the Council and publically supporting Blue Back as the only litmus test for endorsement is narrow minded. It is offensive to think only the current council members are capable of seeing this project through to fruition. I am getting involved in politics, not due to Blue Back, but because of the many other issues currently being ignored. It is very convenient for the incumbents that the Blue Back situation is taking center stage and preventing discussion of the real issues facing our town.

One of my concerns is reducing taxes while maintaining quality town services. If “reasonable” or “expected” tax increases are the standard to which council members hold themselves, then we are in real trouble. I must point out that with our tax increases, the council created a fee for bulk pick-up and cut leaf collection in half. Why are we paying more and getting less?

One other concern is the safety of our residents and, more specifically, our children. As a father of three, two of which are in the public school system, it concerns me greatly that the parents at Sedgwick Middle School were not immediately notified of a gun in their school. This “nuance” approach of not informing parents quickly of situations that impact their children’s safety is abhorrent. Recently we have had a local bank robbery and a woman was attacked in one of our parks. It would seem prudent to any reasonable citizen that the police force should not be at a 12% deficit in manpower. The money for these missing officers is already provided for in the budget.

Blue Back must not be the place on which we rest our laurels. We need to throw that same energy, and hopefully not the same divisiveness, into other areas of town. Parts of Elmwood have been left fallow for years. Where is the Council’s concern for that area? Erecting condos and changing the old Caldors into a self-storage facility is not the answer. I want to aggressively pursue opportunities to develop Elmwood with community input at every level. I will address the slipping school rankings by insisting the liaison committee between the Board of Education and Town Council actually meets. This would encourage a frank discussion of the budget and force the two bodies to work toward a singular goal.

We can no longer afford to have only one point of view represented on Town Council. Right now many residents have taxation without representation. I disagree with Mayor Slifka and Councilwoman Carpenter that consensus is the key ingredient in good government. Consensus is not leadership; its overabundance fosters stagnation and complacency. While it is acceptable to applaud the few accomplishments of the current council, we must not forget that this town has issues other than Blue Back. Thomas I. Knox, M.D. Republican Candidate for West Hartford Town Council

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Sinatros Thank Supporters

October 31, 2005 Dear Friends and Supporters, The outpouring of support and kindness during the past 3 months, but most especially this past weekend has overwhelmed us. The articles that have appeared recently in the Courant have been difficult to read given how private our family is, however we take comfort in how many of you have reached out to us with your supportive thoughts and words of encouragement. We are not running, as the Courant and Scott Slifka and Barbara Carpenter would have you believe, to dismantle Blue Back Square. We have repeatedly stated that we are committed to seeing this project through. We believe in the Democratic process and this town has spoken. The construction has begun, and we plan on working towards its success should we be fortunate enough to be elected. The recent articles in the Courant have been inflammatory and some of the statements are not factual. For those of you who were with us at the Republican Town Convention this past July, you know that Mrs. Carpenter’s name was placed on the ballot. The party was planning on nominating her despite its disagreement with her on several matters. Mrs. Carpenter and Joe Verrengia both voted for Blue Back Square. Whether the town committee agreed with that vote or not has little to do with why Mrs. Carpenter no longer calls herself a Republican. It was Mrs. Carpenter’s failure to appear at her own convention and subsequent withdrawal of her name as a candidate that forced the party to choose another candidate. We fully expect that there will be more negativity stemming from either our opponents or the media in the next 7 days. We have chosen to run for public office out of a duty to serve our town in a different capacity then what we have in the past. Our family has a legacy of service to the community. We are proud to be participating in this election with our fine running mates, proud of the vigorous campaigns we have run, and even prouder to call each and every one of you our friends. Mark Sinatro and Steve Sinatro

Monday, October 31, 2005

Courant Wrong in Sinatro Article

Below is a letter from Judy Aron, a prominent advocate for a fair shake in West Hartford. Let me preface her letter with my sentiments on the article from Sunday’s Courant titled, Prominent Family Tries Politics. When I read this article, I was extremely disappointed at Daniella Altimari’s lack of journalistic integrity in saying that Barbara Carpenter, “then got squeezed off the Sinatro-led GOP ticket.” This is an outrageous statement. Barbara Carpenter did nothing but quit the party that backed her and was planning to back her once again. Her name was on the ballot at the convention and she didn't even bother to show up and explain her actions. The republican party did not turn it’s back on Carpenter, she turned her back on the party because she would rather continue to do Mr. Feldman’s bidding and she didn't want to have to hear anything that went against that. Let’s not forget that Carpenter and Feldman are running partners…and he's her ultimate boss. Do I need to say conflict of interest here? Thanks for the letter, Judy. Dear Editor, Regarding your articles about the Sinatro brothers running for Town Council in West Hartford; Barbara Carpenter was not "squeezed off the GOP ticket". Let me refresh your memories and hope you'll do the right thing and print a correction. Ms. Carpenter never showed up to the convention and we all expected her to be part of the ticket, because her name was already on the convention's ballot! I believe you even reported that fact back when we had the convention. The truth is that she had been at odds with the Republican Town Committee for a long time. She ignored every conversation Town Committee chair, Mike Seder, had with her regarding her actions and votes on the Council. She did not represent the Republicans in this town, and this is a proven fact now that she is endorsed by every union she can lay her hands on. In fact, a poll taken by the Republican Town Committee on their membership showed a no confidence vote, and even so we had all intentions of having her on the ballot.. she just never showed up.. she was not squeezed off... she pried herself off with a crowbar.Please get your facts straight! Additionally, saying that the Sinatro's profited from the Blue Back lawsuits: perhaps you could have mentioned how Updike Kelly Spellacy, Scott Slifka's law firm profited from it's representation of brownfield development agencies, or how Chuck Coursey's involvement as Executive Director of CT Partnership for Balanced Growth is also a conflict of interest, or how past council members are financially involved with Day Berry and Howard, Pepe Hazard, or Kroll McNamara law firms for direct gain on this project. Would you care to investigate Carolyn Thornberry's intimate involvement with the Lt. Governor and his protégé Jonathan Harris, and how they might have conspired to get $500,000 worth of state money for the movement of the Science Center to Elmwood (with developer Richard Heapes on the Board of Directors of the Science Center?). While you are busy publicizing how much people gave to campaigns, how about enumerating the lobbyists that donated to Thornberry's warchest? There was a lot of mischief on the part of our current Town Council, and people were in bed with lots of people... so why are the Sinatro's being made the bad boys here? What is good for the goose, is good for the gander.. and at least the Mr. Sinatro's law firm is/was representing the interests of people who would be harmed by the arrogance of this current Town Council. There is nothing wrong with allowing the Burr Street residents their day in court. Judy Aron

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Election Reflections by Patty Sanko-Lowry

Since the Democrats took majority control of the Council in 2001:

  • Taxes are up 20% to 44.07 mills, compared to Newington (36.4), Simsbury (35.2), Glastonbury (32.1), Farmington (24.7), Greenwich (11.1). We have the third highest mill rate in the State (and this before revaluation skewed the data) but…
  • Fees are now charged for bulk trash, leaf pickup has been reduced to one, and student-athletes must pay to play on fields in dire need of renovation
  • Our middle schools are more dangerous, test scores continue to drop. We’re now below the median score for towns in our comparative group and our changing demographic is cited as the sole reason?
  • Family-owned local businesses that created our beloved and unique West Hartford Center, like Metzger’s, aren’t able to compete with national chains – threatening our “village charm” and local control.
  • Our town administrators have become among the highest paid in the State.

West Hartford’s reputation as a desirable place to raise a family is rapidly becoming a false promise. We’re becoming a place for the very rich or very poor, with a shrinking middle class – why aren’t we learning from the demise of our cities? This Town Council would rather focus on consensus-building then what they are elected to do. They provide no real oversight of our Administration, but rather sanction its agenda – regardless of legality or good practice. And they know you’re too busy to ask what’s going on. Abraham Lincoln’s fear, “that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth” has become a reality, replaced by a government of the insiders, by the politicians, for the money. Vote for true oversight, change, leaders with vision. Vote Sinatro, Visconti, Knox, and Zullo for Council. Vote Brassil-Spinella, Schindelman for Board of Education.

Submitted by Patty Sanko-Lowry

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Citizen Voices Concern about Changes to GDC Project

Elmwood Renaissance by Patti Sanko-Lowry 24 Grove Street I am here tonight to address the Council in regard to the September 16th communication from Mila Limson, Town Planner regarding her intention to approve modifications to SDD 48; in particular the elimination of the 4 penthouse dwellings approved for the original school building. Earlier this year, GDC applied for a special permit which enabled them to begin a partial demolition of the original school house building for the sole purpose of looking at the structural members so that they could determine if the building would be able to handle the addition of a fourth floor. In a meeting in April Tom Gissen, then Vice President, told me that they were going to have to eliminate the 4 penthouse units on the original Talcott School building because of the very concerns highlighted in this Administrative Amendment. So why wasn’t this part of the application in July? Why are you now being asked to look at this as ”an unanticipated and immediate danger to the occupants of the building; [and that] delay in construction on the building would further its deterioration as a blighted property creating health, safety and welfare issues with respect to the general public and the Elmwood residents in particular?” According to GDC’s building schedule this building isn’t scheduled for renovation until March of 2006. The SDD ordinance was changed in March, 2004 giving the Town Planner the authority to administratively approve, without limit, additional applications for changes to SDD applications within a twelve-month period as required to address an unanticipated and immediate health safety and/or welfare need. Prior to this revision she could only approve one per 12-month period. The example of potential use cited by Corporation Council during the March ’04 public hearing was that a couple bought a condo and shortly thereafter the husband was diagnosed with a medical condition that required equipment in the house that must be powered 24/7. He wanted to install a generator outside his unit. This situation was clearly an immediate health need. Because his unit was part of an SDD application and the developers of the complex had already had a recent approval, he was required to go through the usual public process. GDCs application does not comply. The safety issue doesn’t actually exist at the moment, and could probably be remedied with appropriate structural improvements. GDC did not include the removal of these penthouse units along with the lost pergolas, trellises, canvas canopies, French doors, larger windows and natural materials that were removed from the July application. They knew about potential structural issues then. This invalidates their argument for “immediate safety needs” – they knew about this at the time of their prior application. Why are we giving up the 4 luxury view units serving the true empty-nester – single floor, 1- to 2-bedroom units with garden patios? And what view will the mid-rise penthouse owners have of this building without these penthouses and gardens? 24 rooftop HVAC compressors (with the accompanying noise) aligned in military precision on a flat membrane roof. Very industrial. And what about the lost tax revenue associated with these 4 units. Conservatively over 10 years the lost revenue amounts to half a million dollars. Can we ask for nothing in return from this developer? We’ve given so much and received so little. Now we’re losing tax revenue on top of it all. Because of the negative tax implications, the weakening of the luxury design approved in the SDD application and the curious timing of this new request, we recommend that you deny this application and send it back with a recommendation to the Town Planner to have the structural reports reviewed with an eye to making these luxury penthouses possible. Other options include adding a rooftop garden to the existing building, or perhaps a return of the hardscaping and garden features lost in the July application in exchange for this reduction in scope.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Republican Committee strongly urges the WHPL Main Branch Remain Open

Press Release, October 25, 2005, from the West Hartford Republican Town Committee: A resolution was unanimously passed at the October 24th meeting of the West Hartford Republican Town Committee that opposed the closing of the Noah Webster Library during the construction of Blue Back Square Center. Republican Town Committee Chairman, Michael Seder, said he understands the need for public safety. However, using the same standards, does that also mean that the Town Hall and the Police Department buildings will be closed during their respective renovations and expansions? Knowing the importance of the Noah Webster Library to the social and educational fabric of West Hartford, it is unconscionable for the Town Administration and Town Council Leadership to allow the Library to close for a year or more. The sudden emergence of this issue shows a lack of foresight, planning and communication to the public that is extremely troubling. The two branch libraries cannot adequately accommodate the basic needs and services that West Hartford residents have come to expect. The branches simply do not have the space, books, computer terminals or children’s facilities to provide what is needed. The Republican Town Committee felt that a better solution was to allow the Library to remain open and slightly delay the completion of this aspect of the project. Seder said, "Denial of library services is just not an option." We would like to hear an explanation from the Library Director, Library staff, or the Library Commission Chair about their transition plans for the next year. We would also like an explanation as to how and why this situation now exists.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Is this how things work around this town?

Hi everyone, election day is coming, so don't forget to vote on November 8, 2005. Did anyone watching the town council meeting on October 11, 2005 notice when Deputy Corporation Counsel Pat Alair mentioned that a lot of the work had been done on the walkway between S. Main St and LaSalle Road before the town council voted on easements that would make way for this project? Yep, that's right, work by town employees was performed prior to the town council approving resolutions authorizing the easements. This is outrageous. This is the town management acting of it's own free will without the consent of the town council. I've asked this before and I'll ask it again, does the town council work for the town management or does the town management work for the town council? Some of you may say this is no big deal, but I would argue that this is a clear example of what's been going on in this town for a long time. They just happened to get caught this time. This doesn't speak to the town making a mistake. This speaks to a town management that is arrogant to the highest degree. Was this act illegal? I'm no lawyer, but... Has anyone been over there? I went the next evening and saw that curbs were purchased, the fence adjacent to the Post office was down, the area on the South Main side was graded and curbs were installed. Seems like a lot of planning, purchasing, receiving, and actual work was completed. How long before this council meeting was the work done? Seems like it had to have been at least a month or two. Where does this end? I'll tell you where it ends. November 8. Let's make it a clean sweep. Vote in those who care about this town, not their political future...Vote in those who will ask Pat Alair why the construction started prior to the town council's vote...Vote in those who will listen to the people of this town not only in the majority, but those whose point of view makes sense, for the good of the town, not for the good of a new development...Vote for those who will make a stand in a council meeting by actual voting against things that aren't right. Not one councilmember asked why the work had started. Because if they did, they knew the town manager would have been livid. I'll save the candidate recommendations until later, but listen to the candidates and you'll hear the ones who are planning for the future and you'll hear the ones who are spending their time defending their past. Thanks, Mark

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Library Closing for 20 Months?

According to some credible sources, I received word today that the West Hartford Public Library adjacent to the Board of Education building will be closed from anywhere from a year to 20 months during construction of the Blue Back project. I recall statements at the public hearing by those involved in Blue Back Square that the Library would remain open during the expansion. Sure, plans change during large construction projects, but this will be a huge problem for those in town who utilize the library heavily. Children won't be able to play and read in the library for a long time. Will our taxes go down as we lose another service for a year? I know, stupid question... Seems like around every corner there's a change in this plan. Was this deception from the outset to win some votes? It all seems fishy to me. More to come.....

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

A note in support of Joe Visconti for Town Council

To The Editor, It is time for a real change in Town Government as we head into some very difficult times for West Hartford. We are facing revaluation, higher energy costs, MDC rate increases and probable state cuts in municipal funding, and at the same time demanding more in Town services and Education funding. I am writing this letter in support of Joseph Visconti for Town Council. Many would ask me why I would want to support an Independent Candidate, especially one that has stirred up so much controversy in West Hartford. I support him because he has taken the time to understand the issues, and come up with some new approaches to solving the issues facing us. He has stirred up controversy because the difference between Joe and other candidates is that he is willing to share the political inside with the electorate so that they can make informed voting decisions and understand the issues completely. The people representing the status quo don't like that. Joe will not tell you half truths and hide things under the rug. He won't allow Town administration to continue to play accounting games or call the shots or make up their own convenient ethics rules. Joe is not in the running for ego, power and control. He wants to insure that the taxpayer is getting more than a fair shake, and Joe has a no nonsense plan to make our town schools and public works be the best they can be with the limited resources that we have. I am voting for Joe because he isn't about politics and hidden agendas, but because I know he doesn't represent the "same old same old" in local politics and he isn't controlled by those higher up in the political food chain. Judy Aron 40 North Quaker Lane West Hartford

Monday, October 03, 2005

Blue Back Going to Trial

A couple of days before the town decided to move forward with the closing, Judge Booth ruled that the town did not supply sufficient evidence to prove they did not act "capriciously and arbitrarily" in moving forward with this project. This means we will be going to trial! This is very important as the town will have to answer why they did not secure independent analysis of traffic, economic and financial aspects of the project as well as state what they did when, etc. Obviously this was a huge blow for them, however as usual, arrogance, irresponsibility, and reckless disregard for the financial well being of our town has prevailed with our leadership and they declared they would close and begin to move forward despite the risk to the tax payers that we might win our lawsuit. Our legal position is as positive as it has ever been yet as you read this the town is rushing to cut down all the trees on the green and begin paving it over and erecting a parking garage. As I stated to Tom Pouleo of the Courant, the town continues to show disrespect for not only the Burr St residents, the tax payers, but more importantly the entire Connecticut judicial system. While I am not happy about living next to a construction zone while we are winning in court, I am absolutely thrilled that we are one step closer to exposing a $150 million NO BID deal riddled with inside connections. Stay tuned, the battle is far from over! From Jasyn Sadler

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Woman fired for caring for grandchild during Hurricane Katrina

I'm asking that anyone who reads this Blog email to let this company know how deplorable it was to fire Barbara Roberts (See MSNBC story: It will just take a couple of moments of your time to let them know that this kind of behavior is disgusting. Thanks, Mark

Monday, September 12, 2005

Blue Back Financing

In the latest article by Tom Puleo of the Hartford Courant (,0,1613243.story) it looks as if the town and Blue Back Square have received financing. This seems like a huge risk by the financiers with the CT State Supreme Court set to review some of the current lawsuits. With continued vigilance, I have made a Freedom of Information Act request from Mr. Feldman to review all documentation around the financing. Please look here for more information soon. Remember the election is November 8, 2005. Elect Mark Sinatro and Steve Sinatro for the town council and Libby Spinella for the Board of Educaiton. Thanks

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Town Council & Town Government

I have to say that I'm very pleased that I've gotten at least a few people engaged in a debate about Blue Back Square. My enjoyment comes because on no other forum has a free flowing debate occurred. Not in the paper, not in our town government and not on any visual media. At no point in this process did the town council or town government give credence to the views and suggestions of opponents of this project. That's the number one reason citizens are angry. That's the number one reason residents close to the project asked Westfarms for their help in trying to stop this monstrous, no-bid project. (and there was no lie in what I just is monstrous and it is a no-bid project). If the town needs to build a school, do we put it out to bid? YES. If the town needs to build an addition on to the Senior Center, do we put it out to bid? YES. Then for what reason can we look to are we building two parking garages, an addition to the main library and a bunch of traffic light and road widening without any sort of bidding process? The reason I suggest is that money is being funneled back into the coffers of one or more of the people who are guiding this project. Sure, this is a harsh suggestion and one that will probably get me railroaded right out of town by Mr. Feldman and his town elite, but what other explanation can be made to give some kind of reason to what has gone on in the last couple of years. I can tell you right here and now why the No vote did not win...our side didn't spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to get people out to vote. Once again the cash machine that is BBS, LLC pulled out all the stops. They set up a booth at Celebrate West Hartford, one of the very events that will be completely blown away by this project. No, they say, Celebrate will go on, but I'd like to see how that will work when the Town Green is paved over and a NO-BID parking garage is built on top. The thing that saddens me the most as I talk with "Vote Yes" people is that they have no idea what the project really is. They say, "they aren't paving over the town green," that's been in this town for a couple of hundred years. I say yes they are, send them a link to the map of the project, and they say...."I can't believe it." THEN WHY DID YOU VOTE YES? Anyway, we lost...and I see no reason in losing when a fair fight is fought, but this town is being over run by people who care nothing for the future of the town. Have a great day. Mark

Monday, June 20, 2005

Vote No, June 22, Need I say it again?

Please follow the links below to more information from opponents of Blue Back Square. There is a flyer produced by Save the Center and a link to the editorial by Jasyn Sadler who is one of the residents of Burr Street with the courage to take on this soon to be debacle.

Thank you to Save the Center for the submission of the flyer, thank you to Judy Aron for submitting the timeline, thank you to Robert Tuthill for an excellent letter and Thank you to Jasyn Sadler for for an excellent letter and for standing up for the rights of his family and neighborhood by taking this to court. Thank you, West Hartford RAC Note: West Hartford RAC did not produce the information in the flyer, the letter or the timeline. These materials were submitted by various individuals or groups in opposition to the development of Blue Back Square. I am posting these materials here so more West Hartford residents can read the information submitted by the opposition.

More information on Mr. Feldman

Click the link below in order to view a new post on Mr. Forrey's BLOG, River Vices. Mr. Forrey is an English Professor at Shawnee State University in Portsmouth Ohio. New River Vices post on Feldman Please get out and vote on Wednesday June 22, 2005. I urge you to vote no and allow our fellow residents the chance to have all their legal challenges heard. Thank you, West Hartford RAC

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

It's Time for a Change in West Hartford

It's time for a change in the town of West Hartford. The time is now for the citizens of West Hartford to tell the town management and town council enough is enough. We are tired of the town living at the pleasure of the town manager, it's time the town manager serves at the pleasure of a Town Council who will ask the tough questions and vote against other councilors when the time is right. The town council is a body put in place to ensure our town manager conducts business in an ethical manner, not lob soft-ball questions and positive affirmations at a town manager who is taking this town down a path that leads to nowhere. The time is now to start thinking about running for town council. Anyone who feels strongly enough that our town land should remain town land should help out a campaign. Any person who feels strongly that we shouldn't purchase two parking garages with a NO-BID process should think about donating to the campaign of a NON-Incumbent. Any resident who feels that paving over our town green is idiocy should stand up for West Hartford, get involved in their party of choice, and kick the town council out of office. Some have said that Blue Back Square will be a turning point for this town. They are right. If we sink our town debt to over the maximum allowable, how will we expand schools when needed? If we give away our Board of Education building, what happens when we need more space for town business? When Feldman, Heapes and Weinner pave over the town green where will our children ride the fire trucks or the train at Celebrate West Hartford? Blue Back Square is a turning point for this town. The chance to keep Blue Back from happening is June 22. A NO Vote on June 22 is a vote to start over, to introduce a bidding process that will include developers from the state of Connecticut and maybe even West Hartford. A NO Vote on June 22 shows that our resident base isn't a bunch of shopping hungry consumers just waiting for another outdoor mall to open. A NO Vote on June 22 says we don't want a 34,000 square foot monstrosity in the heart of our town. A NO Vote on June 22 is a message to Barry Feldman, Scott Slifka and the rest of the council that the citizens of this town are tired of the false propoganda and underhanded tactics of Richard Heapes and his foreign investors. Again, VOTE NO on June 22, 2005. Then, on November 8, vote out the town council and vote in new councilors who will look at the issues from all sides...not just the one that Feldman shows them. Thank you Mark Quigley p.s. Did anyone see the 10 or so $12/hr, under the table sign holders at the Exit 43 off ramp today?

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

More on why you should VOTE NO, June 22, 2005

Why Another Referendum on Blue Back Square?

It’s NOT ABOUT WestFarms/Taubman!!!!

There are no independent, unbiased checks and balances to protect West Hartford residents and our community in this deal!

  • Political gatekeepers elected by the Town have other personal and professional interests including representing private law firms that have clients directly associated with and profiting from Blue Back Square.
  • Town management, instrumental in negotiating this complex agreement, via back door negotiations, on behalf of taxpayers, including giving away our land and property, have had a turbulent employment history which included political maneuvering and vilifying independent thinking Town Council members that stood up for their constituents and community.
  • This no-bid public/private partnership deal was in the works since 2001, without public input or involvement and in fact municipal improvements designed specifically for this project were implemented early on to pave the way for this development. Taxpayer money has already been spent on this project!
  • Former council members have been paid for and used as political strategists to utilize their elite political and media connections and former state appointed officials are being used to expedite procedures and bypass legislated safeguards. Isn’t this “Insider trading” of a publicly held company (Our Town Corporation)?
  • Long standing governmental procedures have been amended and manipulated to accommodate and facilitate the approval process of this private development.

If they change the Master Agreement now… What changes will they make next? Keep the original agreement that we ALL voted on last year! VOTE “NO” JUNE 22nd

Have a great day!

West Hartford RAC

Thanks to Judy Aron for submitting this post

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Celebrate! West Hartford

Hello everyone, I hope you've all recovered from the HOT and HUMID weekend on our beautiful town green at Celebrate! West Hartford. What a great event. My kids had the best time riding the rides and checking out all the stuff. Thanks to all the vendors for the great food and arts & crafts. On the flip side, I was quite annoyed at the immense amount of Blue Back paraphernalia all over the place. Not just that I am opposed to the entire situation, but this wasn't "Celebrate! Blue Back", this was supposed to be Celebrate! West Hartford. Let's remember what Blue Back Square is all about.
  • A BIG BOX STORE. That's right. Not only did Mr. Heapes threaten if he didn't get the entire development that a big box store would be put in, he delivered one after getting his way. A 34,000 sq ft Crate & Barrel is a big box store? Certainly no Wal-Mart, but in my eyes, no better. Sure we can get some nice glasses there, but how is this helping our community? This is an outside company that doesn't care one ounce at what happens in West Hartford, just like Heapes' organization is.
  • The town common will be a parking lot, parking garage, and enormous condominium building...Celebrate! West Hartford will not be able to set up rides for our kids.
  • A development approved with a very suspect process - remember that two months before the application was approved, the council passed an ordinance combining the TP&Z and town council public hearings, thinking only for this development. God forbid they would require Heapes, Feldman and Van Winkle present this more than once.
  • Blue Back Square is an opportunity for one developer. No bidders were sought to refurbish the East Side of West Hartford, NO BIDDERS. Barry Feldman and crew worked with one developer for more than two years behind closed doors before the residents were aware anything was coming. That's right....Citizens weren't consulted on what they thought was best...Not even those on Burr St, who are now going to be looking at a paved over town green and enormous parking garage.
  • $48,000,000 in bonds mainly for two parking garages which will be built with a NO BID process, that's right, a no bid process.
  • Blue Back Square means double the traffic. If you think it's hard to get around within a square mile of the center now, wait a couple of years.

I could go on, but I think you've all heard it over and over, but most of you ignore it. Again, listen to what we are saying. The people who are against this development aren't crazy, they just see the development for what it is, a huge money mill for a foreign investor.

Have a great week!

West Hartford RAC

Monday, May 30, 2005

A blast from Feldman's Past

First, let me quickly say a bit of thanks to all the Veterans who gave their lives for this great nation, to all the Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airmen who are still fighting for this nation and to those that have spent or will spend their lives recovering from fighting for this nation. You are the true heroes among us. Secondly, my family enjoyed a great parade today in our beautiful town of West Hartford. Did everyone enjoy the fly-over? That was kids are still in shock over that one. (the only problem with the parade was the first few minutes when we had to see our governmental contingent stride by, it took quick thinking not to lose my breakfast) Now, please follow the link to be taken back to 1980...Find out one reason I started this Blog. Please, can anyone tell me this isn't exactly what we are dealing with here? Wake up West Hartford.


West Hartford RAC

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Let the Propoganda Begin

Well, it started. I received my first mailer from the Blue Back Square propoganda machine. I have to tell you I am truly getting tired of this. Here are some exerpts and get ready, because it's truly a load of the smelliest garbage I've read in a while... "This spring, the Town Council voted unanimously to stand up to Westfarms Mall's underhanded tactics. They voted to amend the Master Agreement to prevent Westfarms from killing Blue Back Square with endless frivolous lawsuits that could drag on for years." While I agree that the lawsuits brought against the town by several residents are backed by Westfarms and they have an indemnity agreement, I can tell you several things. 1. Those residents are suing the town of their own free will. They were not approached by Westfarms, no, they approached Westfarms as the only large organization in town that wasn't already in the pockets of Mr. Heapes and/or Barry Feldman. These lawsuits are not frivolous, quite the contrary. I know first hand the stress these families are taking on by utilizing their right to fight Blue Back Square. Let's clear one thing up right now. Blue Back Square is not a group of citizens being pushed around by Westfarms. Blue Back Square is an enormous monster of financial backing that dwarfs the ability of these residents to fight something 20 feet from their property. The proof in this is that the Blue Back Square machine spent close to $1,000,000 on the referendum last Fall. Is anyone surprised they took the vote? Another exerpt from the very expensive mailer, speaking of Westfarms Mall... "If they think they can push us around, they don't know West Hartford." The town council and management of West Hartford and Richard Heapes are the bullys pushing the residents around. How about the council passing an ordinance to allow for the combining of Zoning Board and Town Council public hearings. How about you open the gate and let them walk through. Could the corruption all up and down the line be more clear? And it doesn't just sit on the Democratic side of the aisle either. As noted in a recent article it's interesting how the republican party in the town is basically on the council to rubber stamp Mr. Feldman's wishes. Let's all remember that Mr. Turco (council member until 2003) is an attorney involved with Blue Back Square. Was Mr. Turco on the council when the Probate Court left the building on Raymond Road to make way for a huge developer....the answer is Yes. Lastly, the mailer says... "The town council put in place additional protections which benefit all residents..." Why didn't the town require this developer to take all the steps required by a small business owner who wants to build property? There are residents who are in the process of challenging this development via the legal system, how do these additional protections benefit them? Why has the town rolled out the red carpet to an out of state developer with NO BIDDING PROCESS? What other answers do we have than there must be financial benefit up and down the line. What's next from Mr. Heapes, Mr. Feldman and Mayor Slifka? Maybe a commercial with all three of them sharing a banana split in the middle of their new development....It won't be long. More soon... West Hartford RAC (Sorry for the month off)

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

State Historic Preservation Office Notice to Town Manager

Click the Title to view a letter which was sent to Barry Feldman recently in order to let him know that the State and potentially the Federal government will be reviewing the town campus as a historic area. This is great news! Statements made by government officials akin this to "another ploy by the same people." This is not a ploy, this is real action by residents of the town to keep the sitting council from ruining our municipal campus for their own gain. Thanks, West Hartford RAC

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Save the Center Meeting a Resounding Success

I want to commend all the speakers at tonight's Save the Center Petition Drive event. Joe Visconti and Jasyn Sadler really took care of business as they spread the message that this fight is not about WestFarms v. West Hartford, it's about Residents v. West Hartford and we are sick of the council suggesting otherwise. Look back very soon for copies of the speeches that were given tonight as they are absolutely fantastic! Also, look in the Courant over the next few days to see if they finally print material from a Blue Back opponent. Jasyn submitted a copy of his letter (which he read tonight) to Tom Puleo of the Courant after Jasyn's speech. Thanks, West Hartford RAC

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Hi everyone, this just came in my email...please consider taking the time to collect signatures!

Thanks, West Hartford RAC


Note: Please forward the message below ASAP to as many WH friends as you know as Volunteers are desperately needed!

Dear Friends, As you may have heard, in a surprise "Special Session" last week on about 36 hours notice, theTown Council changed the Blue Back Square Master Agreement! These 32 pages of alterations removed critical safeguards that mean among other things:
  • Critical traffic plan safeguards contained in the Original Master Agreement have been removed.
  • Our Town property can be transferred to the developer without the final dispositions of the appeals of certain Zoning, Inland & Wetlands and Town Council Decisions.
  • More financial risk has been shifted to the citizens so this development can be rushed into place.

GOOD NEWS: A new petition drive has been started!! The petition requests the Town Council leave the safeguards in the "Master Agreement" as approved by the voters.

BAD NEWS: We only have 30 days from the time the change was passed to collect about 3,000 signatures (which was last Wednesday)!!

We really need your help collecting signatures for this petition. Please consider either.....

  1. Take a list of names of residents in your community who signed the petition last time that you could call or visit to get their signatures. (phone numbers and addresses are already included on the list. Also lists are already divided by community so you could be assured addresses near your home). This would be perfect if you could make some calls on week days or evenings and either ask them to stop by your place to sign the petition or schedule a time to stop by theirs or just urge them to attend the Save the Center petition signing at Town Hall on Tuesday April 26th from 5:30 to 8:30. You could also just visit a few addresses every evening. Of course there would be no pressure to get everyone on the list.
  2. Signing up for a 2 hour shift this weekend (or during the week if you can't on the weekend) to collect signatures at one of the local grocery stores (probably Stop and Shop on Farmington). (I did this during the last petition drive, and it wasn't too bad. There were a few unfriendly people, but only a few. Plus, it helps if you can find someone to volunteer with you for moral support)

If there is any way you can do either of these (or both!), please use the email address below.

If you are unable to volunteer, but would like to sign the petition, PLEASE e-mail or call the number below to say when a convenient time for someone to stop by your home to collect your signature, or you could stop by Save the Center's Tuesday April 26th Petition Signing meeting at Town Hall from 5:30 - 8:30 or stop by Stop and Shop on Farmington sometime this weekend as we are hoping to have this staffed with volunteers collecting signatures for most of Saturday and Sunday. PLEASE FORWARD this e-mail to others in town who may want to help with the effort. e-mail contact:


Saturday, April 16, 2005

Petition Started to Strike Down Council Vote

Today, Save the Center kicked off the petition drive to stop the changes in the Master Agreement approved by the reckless council on Tuesday. Your signature is needed in order to place this decision on a referendum. Take the power away from the biased council and put it in the people's hands. Please take the 1 minute it takes to sign the petition and the 10 minutes it takes to vote on whatever day the election takes place.

Also, On April 26th, at Town Hall, a public meeting will be held by Save the Center from 7 - 9 p.m. to tell the community what the implications are regarding the changes, possible future amendments to the Master Agreement and council actions. Feel free to sign the petition at this meeting. And I hear there may be food!!

Thanks, West Hartford RAC

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Residents' Voices Go Unheard as Biased Vote Approves Amendments

Once again, the town council of West Hartford proves to be a brick wall. While resident after resident implore upon the council to let the court system do its job, they again came with speeches written prior to hearing the testimony and clearly have biased opinions of the matter before them. Why must the town be subjected to over two hours of repeated claims that the Taubman Company is trying to ruin the town management's fun when the decision was made prior to the meeting. Each town official who spoke tonight passed off anyone with a dissenting opinion as someone from the Michigan based company. Let's be clear that there are residents of West Hartford who think this project is a complete sham. I also urge you to check out what the Courant has to say in tomorrow's paper about tonight's meeting. I guarantee (and I'm writing this at 10 PM after the meeting) there will be a glowing pre-written (before the meeting) article in the paper quoting Mayor Slifka from his pre-written (before the meeting) speech and saying how wonderfully detailed the town officials were in making their decisions. I truly believe that some or all of the town officials involved in this deal are in some way benefiting from this project. How else can you have such a biased opinion before hearing what people have to say? Please, next time before you get into the Public Forum portion of the meeting, remind the people who plan to speak that you aren't there to listen to what they have to say. Remind them that your decision is made for you by Barry Feldman. Remind them that you have a speech written outlining your decision. Remind them that you don't care one ounce about what happens to anyone in the town but yourselves and your careers. The fight over Blue Back Square isn't about Taubman against the Town of West Hartford. It's about the citizens of West Hartford against a greedy, tyrannous town government and out of state developers who've concocted the deal of a lifetime, for themselves. Have a great day. Mark Quigley

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

E-mail to Town Council 4/12/2005

I sent this email tonight in response to some of the comments at the Town Council meeting. Please feel free to discuss... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Mayor and Town Council, I think each of you need to step back and think about what the decision you make at the special meeting on April 13, 2005 will do. If you approve this amendment, you will propogate the perception (some would call it belief) that most or all of the council made decisions last year for Blue Back Square in a biased manner. I urge you to let the appeals process run it's course, that's what it is in place for. If I were able to attend tomorrow night's meeting, I'd say exactly that. That's why we all live in this country, because there is a system of checks and balances. In addition, I'd like all of you to think about the comments you made tonight against the small parking lot proposal on Ellsworth in respect to your decision to approve Blue Back last year. Let me know how you think you sound here. Forgive me if these aren't exact quotes, I was fighting off laughter.
  • Mr. Slifka stated, " should be more proactive on the issue of encroachment." That's interesting, I guess a parking garage in the face of Burr St. residents isn't "encroachment."
  • Mr. Slifka again, "...not what the neighbors think..." is a good idea. Each member of the council dismissed pleas from the neighbors around Blue Back. In fact, many of you made it a point to talk back to some of the neighbors points in your remarks prior to voting.
  • Mr. Verrengia stated that the decision on this parking lot is the ..."toughest decision he has had to make, " or something to that effect. Wow.......I guess Blue Back was an easy decision. What does that do for the town's perspective on your analysis of the decision you made in Blue Back.
  • Mr. Slifka stated that he can't support the "destruction of a building with historic value." That's interesting as well. The Board of Education building may not be a "Historic" building, but I think everyone will agree that it's a building with historic value, and the town council voted 9-0 to allow a greedy developer to destroy the building and put in a movie theater, while on the other end of town a historic movie theater is being torn down right now. Oh, that's right it's in Elmwood.
  • Several council members, including Mr. Coursey and Mrs. McClay likened the parking lot to a "buffer." Are you kidding? What kind of buffer? A buffer with loud cars....How is a parking lot a buffer. What kind of argument is that?

If the vote tonight reflected using your heart to make a decision, as Mrs. Cantor stated, what did you use to make the decision to approve Blue Back? One can only guess... Thank you, Mark Quigley p.s. I know you all weren't on the council for the Blue Back decision -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

West Hartford Town Councin Special Meeting 4/13/2005

A special meeting of the town council has been called in West Hartford for Wednesday April 13, 2005. The purpose of the meeting is to amend the Master Agreement between the town and Blue Back Square in order to allow for the work to begin on the project prior to the completion of litigation and/or zoning appeals. Let me just say that after what was an obviously biased process last year (including passing ordinances in advance of the application to help the developer with the process), if this amendment is passed, I'm not sure how more clear it would be that the town management and town council are owned by Richard Heapes. As the council tonight voted against the "encroachment" of a small parking lot adjacent to the center of town which included the destruction of a 1925 home, how can they justify the decision to sell off the Board of Education building and encroach on the neighbors on Burr St. You cannot use the same argument for one project against another. The world revolves around perception and if the town government makes decisions for the benefit of one developer, how can the perception be anything but corruption? Oh wait, I forgot, our Mayor was in a commercial advertisement for this development last year...seems the perception is already there.

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Interesting Phenomenon Occurring

On the front page of West Hartford News was a headline referencing low turn out for the WH Budget public hearings. Is anyone surprised? How many times do the residents of this town have to speak their minds only to be shut out by a town manager and town council that just stare blankly at them and then patronize them as they try to argue why they did the right thing when, in fact, they are doing the wrong thing. This is the same problem with Blue Back Square. Not one person who lives in the vicinity of Blue Back spoke out in favor of the project. Each person who lives on Burr St who spoke at the public hearing denounced the project as a sham and some are now suing over it. The town's people don't want to talk to a brick wall, and here's why the low turn out at the public hearings. We are tired of speaking passionately about issue after issue only to be shut down and ridiculed. Several members of the town council continually speak at the public as if they don't know what they are talking about. Trust me, West Hartford government, when I say we know what we are talking about and we are tired of your pompous demeanor towards your citizens. Thanks,

Friday, March 18, 2005

Zoning Board Appeal Hearing Today in Hartford Superior Court

I took the day off to watch the Appeal filed by several West Hartford residents who live directly across the street from the developer (one of which is my sister). I think everyone is doing a great job in getting everything in front of the judge to make a decision here. One thing to note is that no one from the town was at the meeting. Only Mr. Allaire, the town's deputy counsel who was arguing the case. I guess the mayor doesn't care about the case enough to make an appearance. Again, I commend the residents who have the guts to stand up to this monstrous development. The folks who took the stand today did a great job and sounded very credible. Have a great weekend! Quig

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Steroid Hearing on Capitol Hill

Did anyone out there watch some of the hearings today? First off, I believe that steroid use in baseball should be removed. They can do it, but with the huge numbers of fans returning since the '94 strike, they wanted the long ball and have looked the other way for a long time. The teammates of players who juiced aren't to blame in this, because, let's face it if they said anything they would be blackballed just as Conseco has been. One thing I saw that made me a little sick of the entire process on Capitol Hill was the antagonistic stance most of the committee members displayed towards everyone in question. They were acting as if they were personally attacked by the "rampant" use of steroids in baseball. What I also don't understand is how the House Government Reform Committee provides any relevant standing in this area. Is baseball part of our system of Government? Do they feel like baseball is such a part of the fabric of America that they somehow have some jurisdiction? Seemed like a lot of grandstanding by none Please, let's rid sports in general of the use of these drugs so when my young children want to play sports at more than a middle school level, they don't have to compete against someone who's using. Have a great day... Mark

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Connors Stepping Down

I'd like to take this opportunity to congratulate Kevin Connors on a job well done. While I've only been in West Hartford for 5 years, there has been no more of a steady backbone to the town council as Mr. Connors. I think it's unfortunate that he was up against the current mayor when challenging for the State Senate, but I think that run was a long shot with West Hartford leaning towards the left. One thing to note was the 9-0 approval of Blue Back. I believe and have discussed this with others in the town that had Connors taken a stand against Blue Back, he would have garnered more votes, generated a higher turn out and eventually taken the Senate seat. That being said, speculation is speculation. All-in-all, I think this gives the republican party an opportunity to regroup, find a couple of fresh faces and get to the job of working the issues from a little farther right of center than the past few months. Good luck, Mr. Connors. Mark

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Letter in West Hartford News

A version of the following letter was printed in the West Hartford News on March 10, 2005 ----------------------------------------------------------- Residents using their rights to challenge blue back Anyone else who stood at the meeting tonight in room 422 of Town Hall in West Hartford heard Mr. Weinner dodge question after question saying that basically most of the questions that were asked were more questions for the town. Wow, there's a surprise! I was wondering when we'd get to the "Oh, you'll have to ask the other partner in this partnership to get the answer." The bottom line on Blue Back is that Mr. Heapes and Mr. Weinner obviously have the town council and town manager on a string. The fact that several of our town's residents' lawsuit contain "Language in the lawsuit bears a close resemblance to arguments that the same attorneys filed on behalf of Westfarms..." as an editorial in today'd Courant writes, is absolutely irrelevant. The citizens who are standing up to not only the town and this monstrosity of a development, but basically half the state should be applauded by all of us. Finally we have citizens taking the action they have a right to take against the town that has done so many things in the wrong way. My next topic is the the fire on Raymond Road a month or so ago. Hmmm, let's think about this for a minute...a building burns completely through at a time when it's guaranteed that no one will be inside, in an area ripe for "fresh" development. Who could have guessed that the cause of the fire would be undetermined? I'm no fire investigator, but I can't think of an area of town where I'd be more suspicious of an intentionally set fire.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Proposed 6% increase in town budget

The new budget was proposed last night by Mr. Feldman and it contains an increase of over $10 million from the previous year. That equates to an increase of 6.1% which will once again fall on the taxpayers. This is very close to the amount voted down by a referendum last year. We can do better than this and you can be assured that there will be people in town who will make sure management works harder to make ends meet and also allow us to keep more of our hard earned dollar. Not all of the residents in this town make hundreds of thousands of dollars per year and can absorb huge increases in property taxes year in and year out. It's time town management recognizes this. Have a great Thursday! Mark

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Start of blog

Hi, and welcome to my daily posting on Come back each day to see what I have in relation to local, state, and national politics. I may even stray into other areas including sports, news and parenting (I might talk about my 2 kids). Anyway, check back often as I'll attempt to post here every day. Thanks, Mark