Friday, November 04, 2005

Incumbents Absent from Taxpayer's Association Panel

In another stunning display of arrogance, the current running council members decided that taxes aren't important in West Hartford, so they decided not to show up to the West Hartford Taxpayer's Association forum last night. Those who were at the event included Mark Sinatro, Steve Sinatro, Tom Knox, Mike Zullo, Joe Visconti, Sylvia Schindelman and Lib Brassil-Spinella. Absent were the members of the council who at the last budget process struggled to keep the tax increase down to 4.63%. The members of the panel spoke of creative revenue streams, increasing our tax base with low impact/high tax businesses and trimming the fat in the administration among other topics. It was unfortunate that we couldn't hear from the incumbents on how they propose to keep taxes down...One could infer that they intend to do nothing of the kind. Once again, I call on the Hartford Courant to report the news. The fact that the democrats have avoided 2 consecutive WH Taxpayer's Association meetings is news. Have a great day...

Thursday, November 03, 2005

A Note from Republican Candidate Tom Knox

October 31, 2005 I would like to thank the editors of this paper for meeting with me and my running mates. Although I knew that I would not be endorsed, I could never have foreseen their reasoning. To use prior service on the Council and publically supporting Blue Back as the only litmus test for endorsement is narrow minded. It is offensive to think only the current council members are capable of seeing this project through to fruition. I am getting involved in politics, not due to Blue Back, but because of the many other issues currently being ignored. It is very convenient for the incumbents that the Blue Back situation is taking center stage and preventing discussion of the real issues facing our town.

One of my concerns is reducing taxes while maintaining quality town services. If “reasonable” or “expected” tax increases are the standard to which council members hold themselves, then we are in real trouble. I must point out that with our tax increases, the council created a fee for bulk pick-up and cut leaf collection in half. Why are we paying more and getting less?

One other concern is the safety of our residents and, more specifically, our children. As a father of three, two of which are in the public school system, it concerns me greatly that the parents at Sedgwick Middle School were not immediately notified of a gun in their school. This “nuance” approach of not informing parents quickly of situations that impact their children’s safety is abhorrent. Recently we have had a local bank robbery and a woman was attacked in one of our parks. It would seem prudent to any reasonable citizen that the police force should not be at a 12% deficit in manpower. The money for these missing officers is already provided for in the budget.

Blue Back must not be the place on which we rest our laurels. We need to throw that same energy, and hopefully not the same divisiveness, into other areas of town. Parts of Elmwood have been left fallow for years. Where is the Council’s concern for that area? Erecting condos and changing the old Caldors into a self-storage facility is not the answer. I want to aggressively pursue opportunities to develop Elmwood with community input at every level. I will address the slipping school rankings by insisting the liaison committee between the Board of Education and Town Council actually meets. This would encourage a frank discussion of the budget and force the two bodies to work toward a singular goal.

We can no longer afford to have only one point of view represented on Town Council. Right now many residents have taxation without representation. I disagree with Mayor Slifka and Councilwoman Carpenter that consensus is the key ingredient in good government. Consensus is not leadership; its overabundance fosters stagnation and complacency. While it is acceptable to applaud the few accomplishments of the current council, we must not forget that this town has issues other than Blue Back. Thomas I. Knox, M.D. Republican Candidate for West Hartford Town Council

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Sinatros Thank Supporters

October 31, 2005 Dear Friends and Supporters, The outpouring of support and kindness during the past 3 months, but most especially this past weekend has overwhelmed us. The articles that have appeared recently in the Courant have been difficult to read given how private our family is, however we take comfort in how many of you have reached out to us with your supportive thoughts and words of encouragement. We are not running, as the Courant and Scott Slifka and Barbara Carpenter would have you believe, to dismantle Blue Back Square. We have repeatedly stated that we are committed to seeing this project through. We believe in the Democratic process and this town has spoken. The construction has begun, and we plan on working towards its success should we be fortunate enough to be elected. The recent articles in the Courant have been inflammatory and some of the statements are not factual. For those of you who were with us at the Republican Town Convention this past July, you know that Mrs. Carpenter’s name was placed on the ballot. The party was planning on nominating her despite its disagreement with her on several matters. Mrs. Carpenter and Joe Verrengia both voted for Blue Back Square. Whether the town committee agreed with that vote or not has little to do with why Mrs. Carpenter no longer calls herself a Republican. It was Mrs. Carpenter’s failure to appear at her own convention and subsequent withdrawal of her name as a candidate that forced the party to choose another candidate. We fully expect that there will be more negativity stemming from either our opponents or the media in the next 7 days. We have chosen to run for public office out of a duty to serve our town in a different capacity then what we have in the past. Our family has a legacy of service to the community. We are proud to be participating in this election with our fine running mates, proud of the vigorous campaigns we have run, and even prouder to call each and every one of you our friends. Mark Sinatro and Steve Sinatro

Monday, October 31, 2005

Courant Wrong in Sinatro Article

Below is a letter from Judy Aron, a prominent advocate for a fair shake in West Hartford. Let me preface her letter with my sentiments on the article from Sunday’s Courant titled, Prominent Family Tries Politics. When I read this article, I was extremely disappointed at Daniella Altimari’s lack of journalistic integrity in saying that Barbara Carpenter, “then got squeezed off the Sinatro-led GOP ticket.” This is an outrageous statement. Barbara Carpenter did nothing but quit the party that backed her and was planning to back her once again. Her name was on the ballot at the convention and she didn't even bother to show up and explain her actions. The republican party did not turn it’s back on Carpenter, she turned her back on the party because she would rather continue to do Mr. Feldman’s bidding and she didn't want to have to hear anything that went against that. Let’s not forget that Carpenter and Feldman are running partners…and he's her ultimate boss. Do I need to say conflict of interest here? Thanks for the letter, Judy. Dear Editor, Regarding your articles about the Sinatro brothers running for Town Council in West Hartford; Barbara Carpenter was not "squeezed off the GOP ticket". Let me refresh your memories and hope you'll do the right thing and print a correction. Ms. Carpenter never showed up to the convention and we all expected her to be part of the ticket, because her name was already on the convention's ballot! I believe you even reported that fact back when we had the convention. The truth is that she had been at odds with the Republican Town Committee for a long time. She ignored every conversation Town Committee chair, Mike Seder, had with her regarding her actions and votes on the Council. She did not represent the Republicans in this town, and this is a proven fact now that she is endorsed by every union she can lay her hands on. In fact, a poll taken by the Republican Town Committee on their membership showed a no confidence vote, and even so we had all intentions of having her on the ballot.. she just never showed up.. she was not squeezed off... she pried herself off with a crowbar.Please get your facts straight! Additionally, saying that the Sinatro's profited from the Blue Back lawsuits: perhaps you could have mentioned how Updike Kelly Spellacy, Scott Slifka's law firm profited from it's representation of brownfield development agencies, or how Chuck Coursey's involvement as Executive Director of CT Partnership for Balanced Growth is also a conflict of interest, or how past council members are financially involved with Day Berry and Howard, Pepe Hazard, or Kroll McNamara law firms for direct gain on this project. Would you care to investigate Carolyn Thornberry's intimate involvement with the Lt. Governor and his protégé Jonathan Harris, and how they might have conspired to get $500,000 worth of state money for the movement of the Science Center to Elmwood (with developer Richard Heapes on the Board of Directors of the Science Center?). While you are busy publicizing how much people gave to campaigns, how about enumerating the lobbyists that donated to Thornberry's warchest? There was a lot of mischief on the part of our current Town Council, and people were in bed with lots of people... so why are the Sinatro's being made the bad boys here? What is good for the goose, is good for the gander.. and at least the Mr. Sinatro's law firm is/was representing the interests of people who would be harmed by the arrogance of this current Town Council. There is nothing wrong with allowing the Burr Street residents their day in court. Judy Aron