Tuesday, April 12, 2005

West Hartford Town Councin Special Meeting 4/13/2005

A special meeting of the town council has been called in West Hartford for Wednesday April 13, 2005. The purpose of the meeting is to amend the Master Agreement between the town and Blue Back Square in order to allow for the work to begin on the project prior to the completion of litigation and/or zoning appeals. Let me just say that after what was an obviously biased process last year (including passing ordinances in advance of the application to help the developer with the process), if this amendment is passed, I'm not sure how more clear it would be that the town management and town council are owned by Richard Heapes. As the council tonight voted against the "encroachment" of a small parking lot adjacent to the center of town which included the destruction of a 1925 home, how can they justify the decision to sell off the Board of Education building and encroach on the neighbors on Burr St. You cannot use the same argument for one project against another. The world revolves around perception and if the town government makes decisions for the benefit of one developer, how can the perception be anything but corruption? Oh wait, I forgot, our Mayor was in a commercial advertisement for this development last year...seems the perception is already there.

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