Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Sinatros Thank Supporters

October 31, 2005 Dear Friends and Supporters, The outpouring of support and kindness during the past 3 months, but most especially this past weekend has overwhelmed us. The articles that have appeared recently in the Courant have been difficult to read given how private our family is, however we take comfort in how many of you have reached out to us with your supportive thoughts and words of encouragement. We are not running, as the Courant and Scott Slifka and Barbara Carpenter would have you believe, to dismantle Blue Back Square. We have repeatedly stated that we are committed to seeing this project through. We believe in the Democratic process and this town has spoken. The construction has begun, and we plan on working towards its success should we be fortunate enough to be elected. The recent articles in the Courant have been inflammatory and some of the statements are not factual. For those of you who were with us at the Republican Town Convention this past July, you know that Mrs. Carpenter’s name was placed on the ballot. The party was planning on nominating her despite its disagreement with her on several matters. Mrs. Carpenter and Joe Verrengia both voted for Blue Back Square. Whether the town committee agreed with that vote or not has little to do with why Mrs. Carpenter no longer calls herself a Republican. It was Mrs. Carpenter’s failure to appear at her own convention and subsequent withdrawal of her name as a candidate that forced the party to choose another candidate. We fully expect that there will be more negativity stemming from either our opponents or the media in the next 7 days. We have chosen to run for public office out of a duty to serve our town in a different capacity then what we have in the past. Our family has a legacy of service to the community. We are proud to be participating in this election with our fine running mates, proud of the vigorous campaigns we have run, and even prouder to call each and every one of you our friends. Mark Sinatro and Steve Sinatro

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