Please follow the links below to more information from opponents of Blue Back Square. There is a flyer produced by Save the Center and a link to the editorial by Jasyn Sadler who is one of the residents of Burr Street with the courage to take on this soon to be debacle.
- Save The Center Flyer currently being passed door to door by Save the Center.
- Jasyn Sadler's Letter from Courant, Sunday June 19, 2005.
- Blue Back Square Timeline: This is a smattering of various happenings during the last few years that are of interest.
- Robert E. Tuthill Letter, as passed around via email. I'm not sure if this was printed...I will update this when I find out.
Thank you to Save the Center for the submission of the flyer, thank you to Judy Aron for submitting the timeline, thank you to Robert Tuthill for an excellent letter and Thank you to Jasyn Sadler for for an excellent letter and for standing up for the rights of his family and neighborhood by taking this to court. Thank you, West Hartford RAC Note: West Hartford RAC did not produce the information in the flyer, the letter or the timeline. These materials were submitted by various individuals or groups in opposition to the development of Blue Back Square. I am posting these materials here so more West Hartford residents can read the information submitted by the opposition.