Wednesday, June 08, 2005

More on why you should VOTE NO, June 22, 2005

Why Another Referendum on Blue Back Square?

It’s NOT ABOUT WestFarms/Taubman!!!!

There are no independent, unbiased checks and balances to protect West Hartford residents and our community in this deal!

  • Political gatekeepers elected by the Town have other personal and professional interests including representing private law firms that have clients directly associated with and profiting from Blue Back Square.
  • Town management, instrumental in negotiating this complex agreement, via back door negotiations, on behalf of taxpayers, including giving away our land and property, have had a turbulent employment history which included political maneuvering and vilifying independent thinking Town Council members that stood up for their constituents and community.
  • This no-bid public/private partnership deal was in the works since 2001, without public input or involvement and in fact municipal improvements designed specifically for this project were implemented early on to pave the way for this development. Taxpayer money has already been spent on this project!
  • Former council members have been paid for and used as political strategists to utilize their elite political and media connections and former state appointed officials are being used to expedite procedures and bypass legislated safeguards. Isn’t this “Insider trading” of a publicly held company (Our Town Corporation)?
  • Long standing governmental procedures have been amended and manipulated to accommodate and facilitate the approval process of this private development.

If they change the Master Agreement now… What changes will they make next? Keep the original agreement that we ALL voted on last year! VOTE “NO” JUNE 22nd

Have a great day!

West Hartford RAC

Thanks to Judy Aron for submitting this post

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Celebrate! West Hartford

Hello everyone, I hope you've all recovered from the HOT and HUMID weekend on our beautiful town green at Celebrate! West Hartford. What a great event. My kids had the best time riding the rides and checking out all the stuff. Thanks to all the vendors for the great food and arts & crafts. On the flip side, I was quite annoyed at the immense amount of Blue Back paraphernalia all over the place. Not just that I am opposed to the entire situation, but this wasn't "Celebrate! Blue Back", this was supposed to be Celebrate! West Hartford. Let's remember what Blue Back Square is all about.
  • A BIG BOX STORE. That's right. Not only did Mr. Heapes threaten if he didn't get the entire development that a big box store would be put in, he delivered one after getting his way. A 34,000 sq ft Crate & Barrel is a big box store? Certainly no Wal-Mart, but in my eyes, no better. Sure we can get some nice glasses there, but how is this helping our community? This is an outside company that doesn't care one ounce at what happens in West Hartford, just like Heapes' organization is.
  • The town common will be a parking lot, parking garage, and enormous condominium building...Celebrate! West Hartford will not be able to set up rides for our kids.
  • A development approved with a very suspect process - remember that two months before the application was approved, the council passed an ordinance combining the TP&Z and town council public hearings, thinking only for this development. God forbid they would require Heapes, Feldman and Van Winkle present this more than once.
  • Blue Back Square is an opportunity for one developer. No bidders were sought to refurbish the East Side of West Hartford, NO BIDDERS. Barry Feldman and crew worked with one developer for more than two years behind closed doors before the residents were aware anything was coming. That's right....Citizens weren't consulted on what they thought was best...Not even those on Burr St, who are now going to be looking at a paved over town green and enormous parking garage.
  • $48,000,000 in bonds mainly for two parking garages which will be built with a NO BID process, that's right, a no bid process.
  • Blue Back Square means double the traffic. If you think it's hard to get around within a square mile of the center now, wait a couple of years.

I could go on, but I think you've all heard it over and over, but most of you ignore it. Again, listen to what we are saying. The people who are against this development aren't crazy, they just see the development for what it is, a huge money mill for a foreign investor.

Have a great week!

West Hartford RAC