Monday, October 31, 2005

Courant Wrong in Sinatro Article

Below is a letter from Judy Aron, a prominent advocate for a fair shake in West Hartford. Let me preface her letter with my sentiments on the article from Sunday’s Courant titled, Prominent Family Tries Politics. When I read this article, I was extremely disappointed at Daniella Altimari’s lack of journalistic integrity in saying that Barbara Carpenter, “then got squeezed off the Sinatro-led GOP ticket.” This is an outrageous statement. Barbara Carpenter did nothing but quit the party that backed her and was planning to back her once again. Her name was on the ballot at the convention and she didn't even bother to show up and explain her actions. The republican party did not turn it’s back on Carpenter, she turned her back on the party because she would rather continue to do Mr. Feldman’s bidding and she didn't want to have to hear anything that went against that. Let’s not forget that Carpenter and Feldman are running partners…and he's her ultimate boss. Do I need to say conflict of interest here? Thanks for the letter, Judy. Dear Editor, Regarding your articles about the Sinatro brothers running for Town Council in West Hartford; Barbara Carpenter was not "squeezed off the GOP ticket". Let me refresh your memories and hope you'll do the right thing and print a correction. Ms. Carpenter never showed up to the convention and we all expected her to be part of the ticket, because her name was already on the convention's ballot! I believe you even reported that fact back when we had the convention. The truth is that she had been at odds with the Republican Town Committee for a long time. She ignored every conversation Town Committee chair, Mike Seder, had with her regarding her actions and votes on the Council. She did not represent the Republicans in this town, and this is a proven fact now that she is endorsed by every union she can lay her hands on. In fact, a poll taken by the Republican Town Committee on their membership showed a no confidence vote, and even so we had all intentions of having her on the ballot.. she just never showed up.. she was not squeezed off... she pried herself off with a crowbar.Please get your facts straight! Additionally, saying that the Sinatro's profited from the Blue Back lawsuits: perhaps you could have mentioned how Updike Kelly Spellacy, Scott Slifka's law firm profited from it's representation of brownfield development agencies, or how Chuck Coursey's involvement as Executive Director of CT Partnership for Balanced Growth is also a conflict of interest, or how past council members are financially involved with Day Berry and Howard, Pepe Hazard, or Kroll McNamara law firms for direct gain on this project. Would you care to investigate Carolyn Thornberry's intimate involvement with the Lt. Governor and his protégé Jonathan Harris, and how they might have conspired to get $500,000 worth of state money for the movement of the Science Center to Elmwood (with developer Richard Heapes on the Board of Directors of the Science Center?). While you are busy publicizing how much people gave to campaigns, how about enumerating the lobbyists that donated to Thornberry's warchest? There was a lot of mischief on the part of our current Town Council, and people were in bed with lots of people... so why are the Sinatro's being made the bad boys here? What is good for the goose, is good for the gander.. and at least the Mr. Sinatro's law firm is/was representing the interests of people who would be harmed by the arrogance of this current Town Council. There is nothing wrong with allowing the Burr Street residents their day in court. Judy Aron


Anonymous said...

FYI - The article Daniela Altimari wrote was
DANIELA ALTIMARI; Hartford Courant; Jul 22, 2005; B.2

Local Republicans pledged to unite behind a slate stacked with newcomers Thursday night, after the party's top elected leader announced she was running as an independent.

Many had expected fireworks at the Elmwood Community Center, where the GOP held its nominating convention. They weren't disappointed. The first bombshell landed moments before the convention was called to order, when Republican Town Chairman Michael Seder received word that Barbara Carpenter, the council minority leader, was not coming.

Seder was shocked. "Her name was pre-printed on the ballot," he said.

Carpenter, who has been roundly criticized by many prominent Republicans for being too quick to acquiesce to the council's Democratic majority, says she cannot "in good conscience" be part of the Republican team.

"There's a very small minority within the Republican town committee who want me to put politics over principle," she said in an interview before the convention.

The convention's second drama occurred after seven candidates for the council were nominated to fill six slots.

After the votes were tallied, the ticket took shape. Incumbent Joe Verrengia, who was appointed to fill a midterm vacancy, was endorsed to run for a full two-year term. He will be joined by five new faces: Tom Knox, a cardiologist; Lisa MacDonald, a lawyer; brothers Steve Sinatro and Mark Sinatro, members of a prominent West Harford family; and Mike Zullo, a youth sports activist.

The candidate who didn't make it: Joe Visconti, the fiery community activist who helped lead the unsuccessful effort to block the Blue Back Square development.

Despite Visconti's loss, Blue Back Square loomed large over the night's proceedings. Many of the project's most passionate opponents were in the audience or at the lectern, and several of the nominees played leading roles in the debate.

Verrengia, a strong supporter of the plan and one of Carpenter's closest political allies, has also been criticized for not taking on the Democratic majority. But Thursday, former council member Al Turco praised him as a "real Republican."

Verrengia said the party and the community need to move forward.

Republicans hold only three seats on the nine-member council. The third, Dave Lemkuil, is not running for re-election.

Seder said he was encouraged by the abundance of candidates. As recently as Thursday afternoon, it was unclear whether the GOP would have enough people to fill the slate.

The nominating and acceptance speeches hinted at the campaign the candidates plan to wage. Speaker after speaker emphasized their Republican credentials and their willingness to stand up to both the Democratic majority and the town administration.

In addition to the council candidates, Republicans nominated former council member Liz Gillette and retired public school math teacher Sylvia Schindelman for the board of education.

Anonymous said...

Altimari and Pouleo should be ashamed of themselves for the most recent article on the Sinatros. I understand that their employer (the Courant) is so obsessed with Blue Back they go so far as to base their endorsements for town council candidates almost solely on that topic, but come on - they should show a little bit of professionalism here. The coordinated effort by the current town council, Barry Feldman, and the Courant is so transparent it starts to make you wonder who gets what out of the Blue Back deal. Just think about it - Blue Back is over, they are moving forward, but Altamari and Pouleo spend an entire article beating two candidates up over their position on it? I understand the "digging dirt / investigative reporting" aspect to it, but as Judy Aaron has pointed out on several occasions you don't have to dig very far to find some really juicy stuff on the current West Hartford Town council - yet the Courant doesn’t feel any of that is worth printing. Doesn't make sense to me, unless their is concern isn't Blue Back, but rather what someone from the outside who has a back bone might find after they are elected. Someone who would begin to check into where all of our town money is going and how things really get done around our town. If that is true - it begs the question as to why the Courant is working so hard to bury two candidates who would do that and at the same time keeping dirt covered up on candidates who are chummy chummy with our town manager and have questionable connections. Could it be the Courant has some connections of their own to keep covered? It makes you wonder when they try so hard. It also makes you wonder when news paper articles are so well coordinated with the West Hartford Town Council's actions. All I have to say to Altamari , Pouleo and their employer is next time try to disguise your bias and your coordinated strategy just a little bit. Your last article smacked of tabloid journalism. I have the following advice for Judy Aaron. I can't help but notice you have a talent for digging up connections of Town council members in West Hartford. I suggest you begin digging up connections certain folks associated with the Courant have. I believe that is where you will find the truth. I wish I could give you more, but that is all I can say without revealing my identity. Good luck and don't forget - Democracy ceases to exist when one player holds too many of the cards.