Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Congratulations to Mark Sinatro
Monday, November 07, 2005
Sinatros Call on Democrats to End Negative Campaigning
- Steve and Mark Sinatro have the professional expertise and personal integrity to implement Blue Back Square. Can you trust a Mayor who appears in Advertisements paid for by the Developers?
- Steve Sinatro and his law firm have not cost the town a penny in litigation.
Tell the Democratic Leadership to tell the truth
- Steve and Mark Sinatro have served West Hartford, its children and its seniors for many years. On Election Day help them continue their tradition of service.
Steve Sinatro
- President, West Hartford Youth Football League
- Youth Sports Coach
- Recipient of the Ct Sec. of State, Public Service Award
Mark Sinatro
- Member UCONN Div. of Athletics
- Bd of Dir. WH Exchange Club
- St. Peter Claver, Religious Ed Instructor
Paid for by Stephen Sinatro for Town Council, Tom Filomeno, Treasurer and Mark Sinatro for Town Council, John McCormick, Treasurer
Friday, November 04, 2005
Incumbents Absent from Taxpayer's Association Panel
Thursday, November 03, 2005
A Note from Republican Candidate Tom Knox
October 31, 2005 I would like to thank the editors of this paper for meeting with me and my running mates. Although I knew that I would not be endorsed, I could never have foreseen their reasoning. To use prior service on the Council and publically supporting Blue Back as the only litmus test for endorsement is narrow minded. It is offensive to think only the current council members are capable of seeing this project through to fruition. I am getting involved in politics, not due to Blue Back, but because of the many other issues currently being ignored. It is very convenient for the incumbents that the Blue Back situation is taking center stage and preventing discussion of the real issues facing our town.
One of my concerns is reducing taxes while maintaining quality town services. If “reasonable” or “expected” tax increases are the standard to which council members hold themselves, then we are in real trouble. I must point out that with our tax increases, the council created a fee for bulk pick-up and cut leaf collection in half. Why are we paying more and getting less?
One other concern is the safety of our residents and, more specifically, our children. As a father of three, two of which are in the public school system, it concerns me greatly that the parents at Sedgwick Middle School were not immediately notified of a gun in their school. This “nuance” approach of not informing parents quickly of situations that impact their children’s safety is abhorrent. Recently we have had a local bank robbery and a woman was attacked in one of our parks. It would seem prudent to any reasonable citizen that the police force should not be at a 12% deficit in manpower. The money for these missing officers is already provided for in the budget.
Blue Back must not be the place on which we rest our laurels. We need to throw that same energy, and hopefully not the same divisiveness, into other areas of town. Parts of Elmwood have been left fallow for years. Where is the Council’s concern for that area? Erecting condos and changing the old Caldors into a self-storage facility is not the answer. I want to aggressively pursue opportunities to develop Elmwood with community input at every level. I will address the slipping school rankings by insisting the liaison committee between the Board of Education and Town Council actually meets. This would encourage a frank discussion of the budget and force the two bodies to work toward a singular goal.
We can no longer afford to have only one point of view represented on Town Council. Right now many residents have taxation without representation. I disagree with Mayor Slifka and Councilwoman Carpenter that consensus is the key ingredient in good government. Consensus is not leadership; its overabundance fosters stagnation and complacency. While it is acceptable to applaud the few accomplishments of the current council, we must not forget that this town has issues other than Blue Back. Thomas I. Knox, M.D. Republican Candidate for West Hartford Town Council
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Sinatros Thank Supporters
Monday, October 31, 2005
Courant Wrong in Sinatro Article
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Election Reflections by Patty Sanko-Lowry
Since the Democrats took majority control of the Council in 2001:
- Taxes are up 20% to 44.07 mills, compared to Newington (36.4), Simsbury (35.2), Glastonbury (32.1), Farmington (24.7), Greenwich (11.1). We have the third highest mill rate in the State (and this before revaluation skewed the data) but…
- Fees are now charged for bulk trash, leaf pickup has been reduced to one, and student-athletes must pay to play on fields in dire need of renovation
- Our middle schools are more dangerous, test scores continue to drop. We’re now below the median score for towns in our comparative group and our changing demographic is cited as the sole reason?
- Family-owned local businesses that created our beloved and unique West Hartford Center, like Metzger’s, aren’t able to compete with national chains – threatening our “village charm” and local control.
- Our town administrators have become among the highest paid in the State.
West Hartford’s reputation as a desirable place to raise a family is rapidly becoming a false promise. We’re becoming a place for the very rich or very poor, with a shrinking middle class – why aren’t we learning from the demise of our cities? This Town Council would rather focus on consensus-building then what they are elected to do. They provide no real oversight of our Administration, but rather sanction its agenda – regardless of legality or good practice. And they know you’re too busy to ask what’s going on. Abraham Lincoln’s fear, “that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth” has become a reality, replaced by a government of the insiders, by the politicians, for the money. Vote for true oversight, change, leaders with vision. Vote Sinatro, Visconti, Knox, and Zullo for Council. Vote Brassil-Spinella, Schindelman for Board of Education.
Submitted by Patty Sanko-Lowry
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Citizen Voices Concern about Changes to GDC Project
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Republican Committee strongly urges the WHPL Main Branch Remain Open
Friday, October 21, 2005
Is this how things work around this town?
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Library Closing for 20 Months?
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
A note in support of Joe Visconti for Town Council
Monday, October 03, 2005
Blue Back Going to Trial
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Woman fired for caring for grandchild during Hurricane Katrina
Monday, September 12, 2005
Blue Back Financing
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Town Council & Town Government
Monday, June 20, 2005
Vote No, June 22, Need I say it again?
Please follow the links below to more information from opponents of Blue Back Square. There is a flyer produced by Save the Center and a link to the editorial by Jasyn Sadler who is one of the residents of Burr Street with the courage to take on this soon to be debacle.
- Save The Center Flyer currently being passed door to door by Save the Center.
- Jasyn Sadler's Letter from Courant, Sunday June 19, 2005.
- Blue Back Square Timeline: This is a smattering of various happenings during the last few years that are of interest.
- Robert E. Tuthill Letter, as passed around via email. I'm not sure if this was printed...I will update this when I find out.
Thank you to Save the Center for the submission of the flyer, thank you to Judy Aron for submitting the timeline, thank you to Robert Tuthill for an excellent letter and Thank you to Jasyn Sadler for for an excellent letter and for standing up for the rights of his family and neighborhood by taking this to court. Thank you, West Hartford RAC Note: West Hartford RAC did not produce the information in the flyer, the letter or the timeline. These materials were submitted by various individuals or groups in opposition to the development of Blue Back Square. I am posting these materials here so more West Hartford residents can read the information submitted by the opposition.
More information on Mr. Feldman
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
It's Time for a Change in West Hartford
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
More on why you should VOTE NO, June 22, 2005
It’s NOT ABOUT WestFarms/Taubman!!!!
There are no independent, unbiased checks and balances to protect West Hartford residents and our community in this deal!
- Political gatekeepers elected by the Town have other personal and professional interests including representing private law firms that have clients directly associated with and profiting from Blue Back Square.
- Town management, instrumental in negotiating this complex agreement, via back door negotiations, on behalf of taxpayers, including giving away our land and property, have had a turbulent employment history which included political maneuvering and vilifying independent thinking Town Council members that stood up for their constituents and community.
- This no-bid public/private partnership deal was in the works since 2001, without public input or involvement and in fact municipal improvements designed specifically for this project were implemented early on to pave the way for this development. Taxpayer money has already been spent on this project!
- Former council members have been paid for and used as political strategists to utilize their elite political and media connections and former state appointed officials are being used to expedite procedures and bypass legislated safeguards. Isn’t this “Insider trading” of a publicly held company (Our Town Corporation)?
- Long standing governmental procedures have been amended and manipulated to accommodate and facilitate the approval process of this private development.
If they change the Master Agreement now… What changes will they make next? Keep the original agreement that we ALL voted on last year! VOTE “NO” JUNE 22nd
Have a great day!
West Hartford RAC
Thanks to Judy Aron for submitting this post
Sunday, June 05, 2005
Celebrate! West Hartford
- A BIG BOX STORE. That's right. Not only did Mr. Heapes threaten if he didn't get the entire development that a big box store would be put in, he delivered one after getting his way. A 34,000 sq ft Crate & Barrel is a big box store? Certainly no Wal-Mart, but in my eyes, no better. Sure we can get some nice glasses there, but how is this helping our community? This is an outside company that doesn't care one ounce at what happens in West Hartford, just like Heapes' organization is.
- The town common will be a parking lot, parking garage, and enormous condominium building...Celebrate! West Hartford will not be able to set up rides for our kids.
- A development approved with a very suspect process - remember that two months before the application was approved, the council passed an ordinance combining the TP&Z and town council public hearings, thinking only for this development. God forbid they would require Heapes, Feldman and Van Winkle present this more than once.
- Blue Back Square is an opportunity for one developer. No bidders were sought to refurbish the East Side of West Hartford, NO BIDDERS. Barry Feldman and crew worked with one developer for more than two years behind closed doors before the residents were aware anything was coming. That's right....Citizens weren't consulted on what they thought was best...Not even those on Burr St, who are now going to be looking at a paved over town green and enormous parking garage.
- $48,000,000 in bonds mainly for two parking garages which will be built with a NO BID process, that's right, a no bid process.
- Blue Back Square means double the traffic. If you think it's hard to get around within a square mile of the center now, wait a couple of years.
I could go on, but I think you've all heard it over and over, but most of you ignore it. Again, listen to what we are saying. The people who are against this development aren't crazy, they just see the development for what it is, a huge money mill for a foreign investor.
Have a great week!
West Hartford RAC
Monday, May 30, 2005
A blast from Feldman's Past
West Hartford RAC
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Let the Propoganda Begin
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
State Historic Preservation Office Notice to Town Manager
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Save the Center Meeting a Resounding Success
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Hi everyone, this just came in my email...please consider taking the time to collect signatures!
Thanks, West Hartford RAC
Note: Please forward the message below ASAP to as many WH friends as you know as Volunteers are desperately needed!
Dear Friends, As you may have heard, in a surprise "Special Session" last week on about 36 hours notice, theTown Council changed the Blue Back Square Master Agreement! These 32 pages of alterations removed critical safeguards that mean among other things:- Critical traffic plan safeguards contained in the Original Master Agreement have been removed.
- Our Town property can be transferred to the developer without the final dispositions of the appeals of certain Zoning, Inland & Wetlands and Town Council Decisions.
- More financial risk has been shifted to the citizens so this development can be rushed into place.
GOOD NEWS: A new petition drive has been started!! The petition requests the Town Council leave the safeguards in the "Master Agreement" as approved by the voters.
BAD NEWS: We only have 30 days from the time the change was passed to collect about 3,000 signatures (which was last Wednesday)!!
We really need your help collecting signatures for this petition. Please consider either.....
- Take a list of names of residents in your community who signed the petition last time that you could call or visit to get their signatures. (phone numbers and addresses are already included on the list. Also lists are already divided by community so you could be assured addresses near your home). This would be perfect if you could make some calls on week days or evenings and either ask them to stop by your place to sign the petition or schedule a time to stop by theirs or just urge them to attend the Save the Center petition signing at Town Hall on Tuesday April 26th from 5:30 to 8:30. You could also just visit a few addresses every evening. Of course there would be no pressure to get everyone on the list.
- Signing up for a 2 hour shift this weekend (or during the week if you can't on the weekend) to collect signatures at one of the local grocery stores (probably Stop and Shop on Farmington). (I did this during the last petition drive, and it wasn't too bad. There were a few unfriendly people, but only a few. Plus, it helps if you can find someone to volunteer with you for moral support)
If there is any way you can do either of these (or both!), please use the email address below.
If you are unable to volunteer, but would like to sign the petition, PLEASE e-mail or call the number below to say when a convenient time for someone to stop by your home to collect your signature, or you could stop by Save the Center's Tuesday April 26th Petition Signing meeting at Town Hall from 5:30 - 8:30 or stop by Stop and Shop on Farmington sometime this weekend as we are hoping to have this staffed with volunteers collecting signatures for most of Saturday and Sunday. PLEASE FORWARD this e-mail to others in town who may want to help with the effort. e-mail contact:
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Petition Started to Strike Down Council Vote
Today, Save the Center kicked off the petition drive to stop the changes in the Master Agreement approved by the reckless council on Tuesday. Your signature is needed in order to place this decision on a referendum. Take the power away from the biased council and put it in the people's hands. Please take the 1 minute it takes to sign the petition and the 10 minutes it takes to vote on whatever day the election takes place.
Also, On April 26th, at Town Hall, a public meeting will be held by Save the Center from 7 - 9 p.m. to tell the community what the implications are regarding the changes, possible future amendments to the Master Agreement and council actions. Feel free to sign the petition at this meeting. And I hear there may be food!!
Thanks, West Hartford RAC
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Residents' Voices Go Unheard as Biased Vote Approves Amendments
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
E-mail to Town Council 4/12/2005
- Mr. Slifka stated, " should be more proactive on the issue of encroachment." That's interesting, I guess a parking garage in the face of Burr St. residents isn't "encroachment."
- Mr. Slifka again, "...not what the neighbors think..." is a good idea. Each member of the council dismissed pleas from the neighbors around Blue Back. In fact, many of you made it a point to talk back to some of the neighbors points in your remarks prior to voting.
- Mr. Verrengia stated that the decision on this parking lot is the ..."toughest decision he has had to make, " or something to that effect. Wow.......I guess Blue Back was an easy decision. What does that do for the town's perspective on your analysis of the decision you made in Blue Back.
- Mr. Slifka stated that he can't support the "destruction of a building with historic value." That's interesting as well. The Board of Education building may not be a "Historic" building, but I think everyone will agree that it's a building with historic value, and the town council voted 9-0 to allow a greedy developer to destroy the building and put in a movie theater, while on the other end of town a historic movie theater is being torn down right now. Oh, that's right it's in Elmwood.
- Several council members, including Mr. Coursey and Mrs. McClay likened the parking lot to a "buffer." Are you kidding? What kind of buffer? A buffer with loud cars....How is a parking lot a buffer. What kind of argument is that?
If the vote tonight reflected using your heart to make a decision, as Mrs. Cantor stated, what did you use to make the decision to approve Blue Back? One can only guess... Thank you, Mark Quigley p.s. I know you all weren't on the council for the Blue Back decision -------------------------------------------------------------------------------