Friday, December 08, 2006

Town Government Outsourcing School Bussing Irresponsible

In a Hartford Courant article dated today (Click the title of this article), you can see the inept town government and school board attempting to react to a situation that was brought on themselves. Two incidents recently have prompted the town to write a letter to the contractor (Double A transportation) chastising them for their hiring practices.

Shouldn't our school government know what their hiring practices are? Shouldn't our school government be involved in shaping those hiring practices? Why does it take the death of a pedestrian at the hands of a coked up felon (driving our kids to school) to prompt a letter on the hiring practices? Why isn't the contract cancelled on the spot? FIRE THE COMPANY!

This is a failure on many levels. The continued outsourcing of town services (trash, leaf collection, recycling, and more that I don't even know about) is at the core of this problem. Outsourcing may save tax dollars in the end, but it is well known that if the town is not diligent in its oversight of these companies, then incidents like this will occur.

Parents of students in this town expect the school administration and the town government to have the safety of their children at the top of their priority lists. Outsourcing the bussing of students and not being intimately involved in the hiring of drivers does not send the message to parents that the school administration and town government care one bit about the safety of children in this town.

But, make sure you cover up your commercial vehicle signage, because someone might see it.....

Am I the only one in this town that sees through the BS?

Have a great day.


quig said...

coked-up fellon! I would be angry too..... do you actually pay taxes for that extra benefit? Good Job.....Keep pusing....

Mark Quigley said...

Incredible, isn't it.

Anonymous said...

Looks like our town administration have "some splainin' to do"
yet another reason why the elected folks should be voted out next November..

quig said...

Keep working at it........