I received this from the Sinatros this morning and wholeheartedly agree. Not once has the republican side of the aisle sought to discredit the names of the democratic candidates. We do believe the republican candidates bring a lot more to that table than the incumbents, but have kept the campaign positive so far. Please read this note from Steve & Mark.
Stephen and Mark Sinatro
Tell Democrat Leadership: “Enough is Enough”
The party who calls itself the party of consensus and team building should be ashamed. The mudslinging perpetrated by the Democrats should cause us all to wonder who we call our leaders. There is no place for inaccurate reporting and innuendos. We are disappointed that the Democrats would choose to leave inflammatory and false literature at our neighbor’ s doorsteps. The information in their flyer is filled with falsehoods and completely inaccurate statements. It demonstrates a lack of leadership and integrity and is counter productive to the positive campaign we have been running.
We demand that our opponents put an end to the negative attacks!
These are the Facts:
- Steve and Mark Sinatro have the professional expertise and personal integrity to implement Blue Back Square. Can you trust a Mayor who appears in Advertisements paid for by the Developers?
- Steve Sinatro and his law firm have not cost the town a penny in litigation.
Tell the Democratic Leadership to tell the truth
- Steve and Mark Sinatro have served West Hartford, its children and its seniors for many years. On Election Day help them continue their tradition of service.
Steve Sinatro
- President, West Hartford Youth Football League
- Youth Sports Coach
- Recipient of the Ct Sec. of State, Public Service Award
Mark Sinatro
- Member UCONN Div. of Athletics
- Bd of Dir. WH Exchange Club
- St. Peter Claver, Religious Ed Instructor
Paid for by Stephen Sinatro for Town Council, Tom Filomeno, Treasurer and Mark Sinatro for Town Council, John McCormick, Treasurer
v. whined, whin·ing, whines
1. To complain or protest in a childish fashion.
2. To utter a plaintive, high-pitched, protracted sound, as in pain, fear, supplication, or complaint.
yes anonymous.. The Democrats are acting like a bunch of children..
hiding from the truth, won't face the taxpayers, and have resorted to personal attacks.
Guess what?.. with people like Carolyn Thornberry unwilling to shake hands at the supermarket.. I am willing not to pull her lever..
signed anonymous too...
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